Tabs in Windows11 explorer? Yes. But no.

Tabs in Windows11 explorer? Yes. But no.

One of the upcoming features of Windows 11 and, apparently, with a lot of demand (which I was unaware of) and that Microsoft has confirmed that it is going to make it a reality is to implement tabbed browsing within the windows explorer. Which surprises me a lot because people are accepting an ergonomically lousy solution to a need that was solved 'thousands' of years ago by small apps.

I remember with astonishment when Apple announced with great fanfare the inclusion of tabs in its finder. And what they present (as usual) as a revolution generated me a great disappointment because that was a UX/UI nightmare.


Bad approach. worst execution

The concept of tabs is not bad by itself, but it is so difficult for me to assimilate that the execution of those features in the MacOS finder and in the next Windows 11 explorer update have gone through as many QA filters as they are supposed to have for projects of this magnitude. And that's because their approach of this problem is wrong.

Let's imagine a scenario in which we want to copy or move files from one destination to another (we will avoid the use of tabs as mere "markers". That's fine): so to move or copy files this new "utility" the system forces us to switch one of the views (either source, or destination) at some point. We never have full view and we will always lose focus at some point. This forces a large and unnecessary amount of clicking and context switching. I hate this.

Solution is over 13 years old

What would it have cost them to implement something like this?


Or this?


MidnightCommander for *nix and TotalCommander for Windows (and MacOS) are the quintessence of productivity. Simple programs in appearance and super powerful in terms of options. They allow you to do everything, and their interface solves the problem that Microsoft wants to solve. I just can't understand why they don't just do something like that because once you try them you just can't go back to explorer/finder again.

I wish the great ones looked down from time to time...